Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Urban Edge Symposium, April 5, 2013

Urban Edge Symposium
Friday, April 5, 2013
The 2013 Urban Edge award event will be a symposium titled Evolutionary Infrastructure / Evolving Practices curated by Michael Manfredi and Marion Weiss ofWEISS/MANFREDI. Expanding the definition of ‘infrastructure’ to address an escalating set of design challenges that are at once cultural, architectural, and environmental, the symposium will host a series of cross-disciplinary talks and discussions between innovative architects, artists, ecologists, engineers, and theoreticians. 

Symposium Schedule

10:00am, AUP170

10:30am, AUP170
Eric Bunge
Paul Mankiewicz
Anuradha Mathur
Mahadev Raman
Grace La (respondent)
2:00pm, AUP170
David van der Leer
Mary Miss
Keller Easterling
Kyle Reynolds (respondent)

Faculty Contact
Karl Wallick is coordinating this event. For more information, please contact him
All events are occurring at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee campus. The architecture building [AUP] is located at the corner of Maryland and Hartford. Panel sessions will occur in the ground floor auditorium [AUP170]. The final keynote lecture will take place in the Engelmann auditorium which is right next door to the architecture building. This event is free and open to the public.

Riverine Conversations and Contested Ecologies

Buildings-Landscapes-Cultures has organized the following upcoming events in co-sponsorship with the Center for 21st Century Studies, & UWM's Department of English & Comparative Literature.

The FIRST Brown Bag Lunch event entitled "Riverine Conversations" is scheduled on Thursday, April 4th 2013
(SARUP Resource Center Room. 146, 12.00 noon to 1:30 PM, cookies included).

The SECOND Symposium event entitled "Contested Ecologies" is scheduled on Friday, April 5th 2013
(Curtin Hall 175, 12.00 noon to 5:30 PM, reception follows).

Both events are free and open to the public.